Saturday, January 22, 2011

Indoctrination in schools.

Two Galician associations known as Cosal and Buserana will adhere to the Rumbo a Gaza (Ship to Gaza) campaign, officially intended to send another flotilla to the Gaza Strip. They'll also try to gain public support through "informative" activities in schools. Chicha Martínez, member of both of the associations, explained in Cee's municipal plenary room that an agreement was reached in order to perform their activities in schools of Corcubión, Cee and Muxía municipalities, and that the number of schools to visit will grow during the next days.
Martínez's conference in Cee's municipal plenary room was completed with a documentary about the Gaza flotilla stopped by the Tzahal the night between Sunday, May 30, and Monday, May 31, 2010.

First of all, sending another flotilla to the Gaza Strip would be opposed to U.N.R.W.A.'s official policy. Martin Nesirsky, a U.N. spokesperson, explained last July that even the U.N.R.W.A. considers that routes for supplies to enter by land through Israel's border are well established, and that those routes are the way to send the humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.
Secondly, it should be noted that the last Gaza flotilla seemed to be an act of provocation rather than a humanitarian campaign, if we attend to the proofs that demostrate the pre-planned violence by the activists and I.H.H.'s ties with international terrorism.
Finally, we must ask ourselves about the supposed democratic and legal legitimacy of the arrangement between the aforementioned Galician associations and Corcubión's, Cee's and Muxía's municipal authorities. This is not about teaching schoolchildren lessons on universal human values, democracy or ethics. What Cosal and Buserana associations are trying to do is to gain support by indoctrinating kids into an specific political ideology.
It would be like entering those schools and preach ideological principles of a political party. And it wouldn't be the first time this happens regarding Israel and the Palestinians. In 2010, the Israeli Embassy in Madrid received anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic postcards sent by six to nine-year-old Spanish schoolchildren. The school in which those kids were studying belongs to Amnesty International's school network.


  1. Latifap soy yo.
    de la comunidad arabe madrid
    como arabe y de gaza tengo que decir que la gente en españa es egoista.Quieren ayudar a mi pueblo.Deben enviar comida y medicinas por camion o avion no otra flotilla .Primera flotilla no entro y segunda tampoco va a funcionar.Es nada mas que propaganda para gente en españa que quiere hacerse famosa.hacer video para youtube facebook twitter.No quieren ayudar a mi pueblo.Quieren hacer algo con sensacionalismo,son egoistas esa gente de flotilla 2.Deben ayudar en gaza para cambiar nuestros lideres como en egipto libia moruecos incluso los palestinos quieren cambios en sus lideres.Israel tiene razon.Los judios quieren la paz con seguridad y nosotros tambien.Mientras que los españoles estan en sus barcos con sus egos enormes,mi pueblo va a estar sufriendo de no tener comida educacion medicamente no debido a los judios,debido a nuestros lideres arabes.Envianos en vez de una flotilla,los comandos que mataron a bin laden para hacer lo mismo con los lideres arabes que estan dirigiendo a mi pueblo a su muerte

  2. Encantado de recibir tu mensaje, Latifap. Lo traduciré.
